Collingwood Clippers Swim Club
The Collingwood Clippers Swim Club (CCSC) is a volunteer run, professionally coached swimming organization whose first commitment is to the needs of the swimmers. We provide an opportunity for boys and girls of different ages and abilities to be part of a competitive swim club. CCSC offers a program in which the swimmers learn the four competitive swimming strokes, starts and turns to produce a well rounded and capable swimmer. The life skills that our swimmers learn during their time with CCSC (responsibility, dedication, work ethic & positive attitude) are valuable and will be useful for the rest of their lives.
CCSC has grown tremendously over the last 5-7 years and is currently operating at capacity based on pool space and lane limitations. With almost 200 swimmers our programming is limited from growing any further with almost 50 families on a waitlist who we cannot accommodate. Dryland training for our Athletes is also proving to be more difficult as we grow due to the limited amount of space and resources available on site.
A multi-use facility would provide athletes with a more well-rounded training experience including the use of external on-site programming and equipment. As a Member of the Huronia Region, Clubs are responsible for taking their turn to host Regional Championships which is an opportunity for the Club to profit from a well-run competition. Due to the size of the Centennial Aquatic Centre and limited lane space, CCSC is unable to take part in hosting this event which prohibits the Club from bringing in additional funds to support equipment purchases and/or capital expenditures.